E-rate C2 Price/Eligibility Lookup
AdTec provides a lookup tool for applicants seeking price and eligibility information for Category 2 Internal Connections items (only). The data returned from your search comes from USAC's OpenData Tool which is updated daily. The results will show the number of times an object has been approved over the selected time period, its category, its average approved selling price, and an estimate of its eligibility. (The time period searched will be multiple funding years starting from the year you enter to the present.)
A note about accuracy: when applicants enter part numbers onto E-rate forms, they enter things in a "free-form text" way. We expect that the data found via search will be very helpful, but understand that it cannot be perfect. An Acme 230-7B switch might be entered by an applicant as "230-7B" or "2307B" or "This is an Acme 230 version 7B switch license." This tool performs a "contains" search for whatever you enter on the form, and will show you only results that were approved for funding. That will miss some application data, but should sample enough data for you to draw some conclusions.
A note about eligibility percentages: if no results are found, the search you have performed is for an item that has not been funded in the time range specified. When results are found, the "percentage eligible" represents an average across all applications. That doesn't mean a 95% eligible part is 95% eligible in all circumstances, it's more likely that it's 100% eligible and 5% of applications were judged to be ineligible in a configuration requested by some applicants. Results for you to take special notice of are those items showing lower eligibility percentages (below 80%), which almost certainly means they are only partially eligible. This is not an official eligibility precentage (because it's an average of multiple applications over multiple funding years). This number is meant to alert you to seek official eligibility info on a partially-eligible item.