Annual E-Rate Planning 

One of the most common questions for an E-rate applicant is "what do I need to file for in the coming year?" Obviously, when thinking about using Category 2 funds (equipment, services), you need to have a sense of your long-range infrastructure plans and of your own long-term budget realities. In addition, it's really helpful to know in real-time how much is left in your E-rate C2 budget.
From a Category 1 perspective (connectivity), you assess your current situation... are the services you have in place meeting your needs? Do your contracts allow for changes in bandwidth that might be necessary? And of course, you need to know what you've most recently filed for in terms of Internet and WAN and when those contracts end. Your annual planning includes looking over those services and understanding whether you need to continue a contract, exercise an available extension, or rebid an expiring agreement.
AdTec's goal is always to bring simplicity to the process. Much of the information that you need for planning is available via USAC's OpenData system, and we've gathered some of it here to save you having to hunt for it. If you're on this page and aren't currently an AdTec client, well, "Free help! Lucky you! Maybe you should give us a call..."
Enter your Billed Entity Number below for a glance at your current filings. We'll show you only funded applications with monthly-recurring costs for the current year, and we'll include anything where you might typically have a multi-year need (so your Managed C2 Services should be listed as well).
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